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Other areas considered unique are the goldrush regions of the "1849'rs", including the mining towns of Angels Camp, Columbia, Colusa, Groveland, Jamestown, Sonora, Mariposa and dozens of others. The California goldrush didn't just change California or the United States, it changed the world. People from every country made it to the goldfields of California. Anyone who could learn to use a shovel or pan was equal to everyone else who used a shovel or pan. Some of the most lasting names of this era weren't miners at all, they were the merchants taking care of the miners such as; Mr. Levi thought of adding rivets in the manufacture of his denim overalls and was overwhelmed with business. Now they're all made that way. Phillip Armour opened a small butcher shop in Placerville. He took the fortune he made back home and opened the now famous Armour Meat packing plant. An obscure newspaper reporter came west and got a job at a newspaper in San Fransisco. He visited the goldfields including Angels Camp and wrote a short story about the miners he encountered "The Celebrated jumping frog of Calaveras County" using the pen name "Mark Twain". It was an instant hit. Samuel Clemons went back home with his new found wealth and notariety and the rest is history. There are many more stories like that and we will bring them to you right here. |
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Last Update: 10/12/2000
Web Author: The Rainbow Company